Neurologist Salary in USA

The average Neurologist Salary is calculated by the US Government Bureau of Labor Statistics from a variety of sources. Neurologists work in a number of settings including hospitals, clinics and medical offices. A physician or surgeon salary will vary depending on the location and the setting. Area of specialization also plays a part in how much they earn with pediatric neurologists commanding more per hour than a neurologist.

The assumption was made that the Neurologists reflected here were working an average of 40 hours per week with a total of 2080 hours per year.

Average Neurologist salary:

New York = $204,000/-
Los Angeles = $197,000/-
Houston = $182,000/-
Seattle = $186,000/-

Lowest and Highest Neurologist Salary

The lowest paid Neurologists earn less with mean or average wages below $70 per hour. Presumably this is offset by costs of living and other factors. The lower pay levels are associated with rural areas.  The starting salary for neurologist in USA is at the same level, on average.

The highest neurologist salary levels are found in major metropolitan areas where the mean or average wage is over $100 per hour. Demand and low supply seem to be a significant factor in fueling higher salaries.

Top 5 States

The best states to earn a neurologist salary are lumped in with other specialty physicians’ and may vary slightly for neurologist vs. physiologists. The 5 best states are: 
  1. Minnesota $218,180 
  2. Georgia$209,380 
  3. Indiana $212,200 
  4. New Hampshire $206,680  
  5. Nevada $205,410

Top 5 Metropolitan Areas

The top 5 cities with highest paid neurology positions with earnings over $200,000 are:
  1. Sherman-Denison, TX, 
  2. Rome, GA, 
  3. Pocatello, ID, 
  4. Panama City-Lynn Haven, FL,
  5. Napa, CA. 

Requirements for Neurologists
There are a few things that might is required when in the hopes of getting to become a neurologist and getting that well deserved neurologist salary. Here’s a chronological guide into what a person has to take or pass before even considering calling themselves neurologists. This includes:
  1. A college degree from college or university which focuses on premedical education
  2. Another four years of medical school that ends with an MD or a DO degree
  3. Internship in internal medicine or other similar courses
  4. 3 years of specialty training in a program that has been duly accredited by neurology doctors and hospitals.
  5. Licensure and board examinations to be able to work in hospitals.
  6. When dealing with the type of residency or internship program for neurologists, it would be a great idea to consider the proper type of residency program for you to get. There are currently two types of residency programs available for would-be neurologists. One type of residency specifically focuses on treating, caring and diagnosing the right type of medication for adults and young adults. The other type of residency however focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of children. Either way, these two will still yield the same results after some time.


The career od Neurologist requires intensive and extensive amounts of education and hands on training. This is due to the fact that most neurological procedures are highly delicate and have little room for mistakes.
Working conditions are often hectic. According to Health Care Salary Online, a 2004 survey reported that one out of every three neurologists worked 60 hours or more a week. This coupled with the demanding fast-paced lifestyle of a hospital creates a very stressful environment.

Neurology & IMGs
Lately, Neurology has become another favourite with IMGs with many programs sponsoring H1s / J1s and not being too tough to get in. Earlier, upto 2005-2006 (2006 match), neurology residency applications were required to be submitted via the SFmatch matching program - however, starting 2010 match, neurology applications will be accepted from the regular NRMP - ERAS match itself :-).

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