Neurosurgeon Salary in USA

After about eight years of pre-medical and medical school, approximately eight years of residency with long hours and often sleepless nights neurosurgeon in USA earns really good money. Starting neurosurgeon salary in USA surpasses many top-paying salaries in other branches of medicine. Even more - starting neurosurgeon salary in USA usually higher than those of cosmetologist or CEO.

Here are some median neurosurgeon salary in 2021 figures for sample cities. Value of bonuses and perks could add up another $100,000 or more per year. With experience and business arrangements in private practice like ownership, $700,000 to even more. Neurosurgeon income in million dollars? Yes, it's possible.

Average neurosurgeon salary in USA in 2021: $400,000/- to $420,000/- as per various surveys and sources.

Lifestyle of Neurosurgeon 

Neurosurgeons are very busy with work. And unless you prioritize and setup schedules, life's gonna take a dizzy spin with work no time for family. As Jonathan Smith, MD says:
"Anyone considering the specialty of neurosurgery must be willing to work really hard and long hours. It is important to understand, as early as possible, the rigorous schedule involved during the five to seven years of residency years and beyond. This includes late hours, little sleep and personal sacrifices."
Add to this the fact that it is expensive for an hospital to hire a Neurosurgeon - and hence a single Neurosurgeon with excessive case-load is not an uncommon scenario ! For example, as this article says:

"Medical industry surveys indicate a mid-career neurosurgeon salary in the Midwest is about  $50,000 a month, or about $600,000 per year. Add other costs - hiring support personnel, office expenses, annual neurosurgeon malpractice insurance premiums running north of $200,000 --- and the price tag could surpass $1 million for hiring a Neurosurgeon".
"It's a huge concern. I am the only neurosurgeon at the hospital I am at," said Hurley, who is based at a Joliet hospital. "My typical work week is 70 hours."
Young neurosurgeon in USA must be prepared to work hard for 80 hours a week, which reduces to a more comfortable 60 hours a week in around 20 years.
Besides the hectic hours, there is something else to pay attention to - The amount of Malpractice Insurance Premiums in neurosurgery is pretty high for, because a damaged brain is devastating to the quality of one's life. And what's more, one can get sued even after a successful surgery.

How to Become a Neurosurgeon in the USA ?

After you complete your medical school program and have successfully passed USMLE your next step towards becoming a neurologist will be completing an internship. Aspiring neurologists usually begin their postgraduate training by entering a 1-year internship program in IM or surgery. Through rotations interns gain advanced experience with patients and specific healthcare practices and skills.

Next step – completing residency in neurosurgery. If you are seeking advanced training in a particular field of neurology you can also participate in a fellowship program. Fellowships are available in epilepsy, neurophysiology and other specialized areas of neurological practice.

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