Here's the average yearly hospitalist salary in USA:
Houston: $152,000/-
Los Angeles: $165,000/-
Miami, FL: $160,000/-
New York: $170,000/-
Seattle: $155,000/-
The average NATIONAL annual salary offers for Internal medicine as per the 2010 Physician Compensation report was $162,000/-. Compare this with National avaerages of $342,000/- for Cardiology and $351,000/- for Radiology.
This specialty is a general favorite with International Medical Graduates (IMGs) , since:
1. Many programs offer the much sought H1B work visa
2. Easier to get than other specialties due to sheer number of positions
3. Opens doors to tons of exciting Fellowship opportunities (Family medicine has far few less fellowship opportunities)
4. Decent pays !
NOTE: Salaries here are the 50th Percentile Salaries and may apply to mid-career levels - the lower percentile salaries (for fresh physicians) may actually be lower by 30,000- 40,000 $
Also read:
1.Pocket Medicine: The Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of Internal Medicine
2.Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine
3.Case Files Internal Medicine
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